#EU #Cohesion #post2020: What’s Ahead

So far:

-2014: Launch of ex-post evaluations and studies

-2014: High Level Group on implementation set-up

-2014: High level Group on Own resources (budget) set up, including First Assessment Report

-28 August 2015: Speech by Mrs Creţu at 55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association in Lisbon

-22 September 2015: First annual conference on EU budget focused on results

-2015: High level Group on simplification set-up


-interim results/discussions on ex-post evaluation of ESIF

-26 November 2015: Informal Council on Cohesion Policy to evaluate/review Territorial Agenda 2020

-Before end-2015: Commission report on 2014-2020 on the outcome of the 2014/20 PA programming and OP negotiations

-Early 2016:Pubblication of Ex-post evaluation of ESIF

-March 2016: Conference of the Committee of the Regions on cohesion policy post-2020, Brussels

-First half of 2016: Urban Agenda subject to several conferences under Dutch Presidency

-2016: Own resource (budget) report by High level Group
-2016: Mid-term review of EU Budget

-2016: Additional allocation of EUR 4 billion in view of most recent statistics (Art. 92.3 of Common Provisions Regulation)

-Before end-2016: Review of EU 2014-2020 budget

-By the end of 2016: ESIF Summary Report by Commission based on AIRs and synthesis of evaluation findings (annually thereafter)

-2017: High-level Group on Simplification to present conclusions

-End of 2017: Commission post-2020 MFF proposals

-31 August 2017: MS Progress Report to Commission on PA implementation

-2017: Commission Strategic Report on ESIF

-End-2017: 7th Cohesion Report to set-out reform proposals and launch public consultation on post-2020 policy design

-31 August 2018: MS Progress Report to Commission on PA implementation

-By 2018: European Commission to present 2021-2027 (?) budget and legislative proposals

-2019: EU Institutional negotiations on post-2020 ESIF Regulations

-2019: EU institutional negotiations on post-2020 MFF

-2019: Performance Reserve Review

-2019: European Commission strategic report on ESIF

Source: European Policy Research Paper, University of Strathclyde, Permanent revolution in Cohesion policy: restarting the reform debate

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