Archive for Networks

Future of cohesion policy – CRPM for internal conditionality instead of macro-economic one

Position adopted on 3 June 2011 by the CPMR Political Bureau on conditionality in the framework of the European Cohesion Policy after 2013

The Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe reject the principle of a macro-economic conditionality, however they welcome positively the principle of an internal conditionality intended to strengthen the effectiveness and added value of cohesion policy, and thus its legitimacy in the medium-term.

They believe that such conditionality has to go hand in hand with a reinforcement of regional partnership. In this context, they urge that a political agreement be drawn up, signed by each Member State between the central government and its regional authorities, on the identification of the thematic priorities of cohesion policy and the delivery of the partnership, to be considered as one of the horizontal ex-ante conditions of the future.

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